
This page provides a bit of background to the ongoing features on this blog. I might add or delete some features in the future, if I get new ideas. 

Book reviews are an important part of this blog. I have decided not to write my reviews as an ongoing text, but I will use points of interest to guide what I want to say. These points of interest are divided into positive ones and negative ones and based on how many negative and positive points I discuss, I rate a book from 1 to 5 stars. Personally, I find these reviews a bit more relaxed than the regular ones, which make me feel like I'm reading or writing a school assignment. And to be honest, I don't always find book reviews very entertaining to read. So I wanted to skip all the blabla and only include things that are relevant to talk about as if you're trying to convince your best friend to read a book (or not).

Monthly TBR.
Every month I decide which books I will be reading (or at least want to read, you never know..) and I just make a list, talk about my expectations and why I want to read it and then share it with you. Then at the end of the month and during the next month I will post my reviews of those books.

Book hauls.
Sometimes I'm feeling spendy and I buy some books. I usually collect a few tiny hauls into one bigger book haul, simply because I don't have a lot of money to buy books with so I don't do it very often.

Books illustrated.
In this feature I share a few illustrations and different kinds of art surrounding the books I have read.

Closing months.
At the end of every month I like to officially close the month, so I briefly discuss what books I have read and what I've been up to in my personal life and I also give an overview of the posts on this blog of that month.

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